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The Lightwork King

Spiritually Awakening To The Truth

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The LightWork King


Angels are sacred to our planet and these mysterious beings have been talked about for thousands of years, but still so many people don’t know much about them and some people don’t even believe in their existence at all. This has activated my divine intelligence to express the truth in intriguing detail because I know things about them which no one else would have known without my divine intelligence. One thing’s for certain, Angels are supernatural beings who have mysterious abilities. Angels can sense danger before it comes and they have a special role to protect, heal and guide people towards their greatest achievements and away from danger.

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 I've proven the truth and reality of Angles through the miracles and the experiences they have manifested for me and people have seen different types of these beings on CCTV cameras around me. My enemies and some other serious people who cared about me have monitored my whole life and the evil people who are involved with targeting me won't leave me alone because of the intelligence and light which I possess and share with you. What a lot of people might not have been aware of is that the people in power have been sneakily monitoring us in our homes for years and they are very interested in watching people who are spiritually awoken and connected to Angels. The secret cameras they have hidden inside all of our homes are smaller than the size of spiders eyes so we can't see them even if we try and find them. Everywhere is covered and they have been watching us for a very long time and the evil in power are good at figuring people out through monitoring us. This monitoring is exactly how they often pick people to target and terrorise and I must have stood out to our enemies when I was younger because of my spiritual awoken reality. They could see that I wasn't the same as anyone else. I was an intelligent and divine child by nature and my unique connection with Angels is exactly what had disturbed some evil satanists who were in positions of power into experimenting on me very sophisticatedly with both substances and technologies when I was a kid. The way I was targeted is what had attracted so much attention to me by the most serious people on our planet whilst I was growing up. According to Mr Receiver (the man who speaks to me through the technology I have implanted in my head which I will explain about later on) He told me I used to have the unique ability of being able to see my enemies while they were in invisible suits around me when I was a baby. They could see that I could see them by the way I used to look at them while they were around me. The reason why these sophisticated people were around me when I was so young is not 100% certain yet but from what I gather is that my enemies were already targeting my parents. The people who were around me would have been reptilian and super telepathic and I think my divine mind and consciousness stood out to these people because I was in a special communication with God and with Angels. I have been born with this connection with them and the truth I have revealed about Angels has made my enemies furious because they didn't want anyone to understand who they really were or how we roll. I conspicuously have some of the same unique abilities like our Angel's do too.😇 
One of these abilities is being able to manifest into light. This ability triggers inside my brain through deep emotions, or through divine or emotional thoughts and then my light activates and shines through my face from within. This ability has also been activated several times through being poisoned, but the first time I manifested into light was when I read a special prayer out and straight after it I manifested into emerald Green light which is my divine signature. This experience of manifesting into Green light clearly disturbed my enemies into a violent attack mode and they were persistently and sophisticatedly opperting to kill me while operating in invisible suits straight after this experience. 👀 The colour green is directly in the centre of the colour spectrum which makes it a special colour of significance of being in the middle of a serious situation. I've been manifesting into Green light ever since this first light experience but then after 7 years my inner light started to advance into various colours which shined through me. People all around the world have seen me manifest into these different colours of light and I'm known to shine light through my face while I sleep at night too.🌈 
My light is a clear sign of my authentication and my light is a clear indication of my significance to Heaven and Humanity. 🎤 
So here I am. A man on a mission loaded with enough light to expose all the darkness and evilism of our world. The revealing aspects I master are the exact reasons why Humanity's evil enemies are trying everything to attack every area of my life. They have already put me through years of traumas, and they have brutally damaged my brain and my insides are also disturbingly damaged too. The people who have been targeting me have become obsessed and extreme to afflict me and it's atrocious that they have tried to kill me hundreds of times through masses of different poisons and different advanced Ray gun technologies. I've amazingly and miraculously survived these assassination attempts through being saved by Angels and I've seen at least 20 different types of Angels over the years of them saving my life. These attempts to take my life away have terrorised me over an 8 year period and still today I survive the odd poisoning here and there but now I'm like Mr knuckle head against poison. The satanic evil who are in power over Humanity have an evil envy against the divine presence on our planet and this is simply because these people's evil minds are infiltrated by Satan and demons and this darkness makes them envy the light and our spiritual vibes thus influencing the Satanic evil to target and kill innocent people all the time. When people worship Satan it opens doors for demons to latch on to them and these demonic influences can actually have a really powerful effect and control over the actions and behaviour of those who they influence. The people in levels of power and control who become demonically influenced seem to target and kill masses of people all year round just because they don't like people's divine connection and the spiritual experiences people manifest. This has deeply disturbed my light into activation and I've been helping people understand what's going on on our planet for some years already now. I've got over 700 pages of specially written manuscript for people to understand the truth from my intelligent perspectives and this covers all my spiritual intelligence and what I've been through living as a targeted individual.🤓 
But now because my unique writing is opening awareness and because of all the stuff which I have revealed, my enemies have this extreme vendetta to attack my life and they have been creating as much negativity and hate against me as possible through the lies and deceits they over play through the media. They clearly envy me for being myself and sharing my inspirational form of lightwork with Humanity. You see, my enemies just don't like people becoming inspired and awoken by my writing and the light which I possess and share they obviously didn't want people to understand what's happening to Humanity or to even acknowledge the truth of who are Angels are because they want us to feel hopeless and unconnected to the powers of God and Heaven. No spiritual connection and no awoken awareness equals ignorance to what's happening to us, thus we are easy to manipulate and brainwash with all sorts of rubbish which our enemies want us to believe in the media. But now the time has come to awaken to the situation we are in and it's time to understand what our enemies are doing to target us. So take a moment to read between the lines and understand what's going on with us and our world and then you'll awaken to the truth about me and my serious situation and who I really am. Many Blessings & Best Regards. The Light.🎂


Spiritually Awakening To The Truth

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Meet the Author

Benjamin J. Mackay, a native of the UK, possesses a remarkable connection to angels and divine intelligence. His extraordinary experiences and deep insights have fueled his mission to share profound truths with the world.

In “The Lightwork King,” Benjamin invites you to join him on a transformative journey of spiritual awakening. His words are not just an account of his connection with angels but an invitation for you to discover your own boundless potential.

Benjamin J. Mackay is not just an author; he’s a guide, a mentor, and a fellow seeker, illuminating the path to higher truths. Join him in uncovering the extraordinary within yourself and find inspiration in his work that continues to light up our world.

I am a Lightworker, awakened to illuminate the path for others. I have learned so that others may gain wisdom, and I've undergone transformation so that others may find their own journey of self-discovery. My existence is dedicated to radiating divine light and embodying truth. I live not just to shine but to be a beacon of hope, unity, and enlightenment for all who seek to connect with the profound mysteries of existence. Together, we can illuminate the world with the brilliance of our collective awakening.

I'm not your ordinary individual; I belong to a unique class of people, a tribe of seekers driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Our path is not the well-trodden one; it's a journey of curiosity and enlightenment, where every discovery brings us closer to the profound truths of the universe.


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The Lightwork-King

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